Workplace risk assessments in Northamptonshire & East Midlands

Are you looking for an expert in workplace risk assessments? Contact Praesidium Consulting Ltd. Our specialists can fulfil all your requirements.

Keep your business space safe and secure

To keep your business safe and free of potential risks and hazards, get a risk assessment done by local experts, Praesidium Consulting Ltd. As per The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, every employer or organisation must carry out risk assessments at the workplace. This forms the cornerstone of an organisation's health and safety management system. Our experts can write your workplace risk assessments and help you implement the necessary control measures.

How is a workplace risk assessment done?

Workplace risk assessment is the process of hazard identification in the workplace. Once the hazards have been identified, an assessment is done for each hazard to identify the likelihood of these hazards resulting in harm. The process then moves on to identify controls that need to be put in place to reduce the risk of injury. If it is possible, the hazards need to be removed completely. If not, then the hazard needs to be controlled.

Our 5-Step Process

Identify the hazards

Identify who can be harmed and how

Identify the controls required to prevent harm

Record the findings and share it with the employees

Review the findings and update whenever required

COSHH assessments in Northamptonshire

Are you looking for COSHH assessment specialists? Using chemicals or other hazardous substances at work can put people’s health at risk, causing diseases including asthma, dermatitis or cancer. The COSHH regulations require employers to control substances that can harm workers' health.

Fire assessment | Northamptonshire | Praesidium Consulting Ltd

How can we help you?

Praesidium Consulting Ltd can not only keep your business safe, but also help you remain compliant with all mandatory regulations. We provide bespoke assessments on your behalf, or we can help you carry out these assessments in your workplace.

Hazardous substances include:

  • chemicals

  • products containing chemicals

  • Fumes & Vapours

  • mists and gases

  • Dust

  • biological agents (germs)

If the packaging has any of the hazard symbols then it is classed as a hazardous substance.
5 stars

The advice we received from Praesidium Consulting was excellent, they converted the legal jargon into plain English and gave sound solutions to our health and safety issues.

R. Windward


Praesidium Consulting Ltd provides workplace risk assessments across Northamptonshire & East midlands

Call us on 01536 402 749 to speak to one of our experts today!


01536 402 749


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Praesidium Consulting Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 7282367
Registered Company Address: 5 Arundel Walk, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 0JG